| 1. | The unfashionably large windows by contemporary standards also provide excellent visibility and light.
| 2. | Recreational freediving is also frequently practiced in freshwater springs due to excellent visibility.
| 3. | The B4's instrument cluster is back-lit and delivers excellent visibility under all conditions.
| 4. | The plane approached Pittsburgh in windless, cloudless skies with excellent visibility.
| 5. | The 1960 Ambassador had a low cowl which with the compound windshield afforded excellent visibility.
| 6. | Its height and huge windshield allow for excellent visibility, but there is a down side, too.
| 7. | Due to excellent visibility from the cockpit, the Demon earned the nickname " The Chair ".
| 8. | Every mention of the term led back to the SCX, providing excellent visibility for the company.
| 9. | It was located at the top of a 1200-meter hill with excellent visibility of the surrounding lands.
| 10. | Preferring open terrain, there is significant habitat heterogeneity ( sameness ) and excellent visibility across brown songlark territories.